Friends of Burstow School

Friends of Burstow was started to provide closer links between home life and school. As a parent of a child at Burstow School, you are automatically a member of FOBS.  FOBS committee is a group of parents who have volunteered to organise events and initiatives to raise money for the school. The funds we raise are spent on the ‘extras’ that are not provided by the school budget and some larger projects too. We always spend in ways that benefit all our children across all areas of the curriculum. 

How we help

Like most Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs), the majority of our funds are raised through school events that we run. We always try and respond to the children’s requests: it is great to see them having fun at the events or enjoying using a piece of new equipment that we have been able to donate. We are delighted to announce that we have raised over £6,000 to date this academic year.  Our fundraisers have included the Christmas Fair, KS2 Disco, movie night & Smarties competition. We are also lucky to have the support of local businesses including the Co-op Community Project which has raised over £1,000 this year.

What we have achieved:

  • Ipads for every year group
  • Updated the reading scheme
  • Furnished a new jungle learning space 
  • Air conditioning in the Year 2 classrooms 
  • New reading books for the Pavilion Library
  • Sports equipment
  • Lego for social skills groups
  • Class set of recorders

We are now ready to move onto our next project. So after some discussion with the School, one of our projects is to fund a Forest School initiative to include a growing patch area for the children.

How you can help

There are lots of ways you can help. It doesn’t matter if you can’t come on a regular basis. For example, there are lots of jobs that can be done from home. And we can’t achieve what we do without help! Do you have half an hour to spare?

If you would like to get involved please leave the following details for us at the School Office, or email us on:

  • Your Name
  • Child’s Name
  • Child’s Class
  • Contact Details (email or phone)

If you would like to know more about the roles of the Committee please see the document at the bottom of the page.

You can also help us fundraise by shopping at the below links and our recycling bank is accessible all year round.

Easy Fundraising

Shop online at over 2,700 online retailers. 

Please click here to access the Easy Fundraising website.


Yellow Moon: Arts and Crafts

Our School Code to quote: SBU1102

Please click here to access the Yellow Moon website.


Easy Name

Named Labels and Tags for clothing, bags and shoes

Quote: ‘Burstow Primary School RH6’.

Please click here to access the Easy Name website.