
This page explains why we need to ask for your consent to any photographs or filming that may be taken of your child while he or she is at school.. If you are happy for the school to use photographs of your child within the terms of the school policy stated below, please sign the attached form and return it to the main office.

Generally, photographs of children for school and family use, and occasionally for publication in the local press, are a source of pleasure and pride and so are to be welcomed.

We live in an age in which technology has vastly increased the use, and potential misuse, or photographs. In the past there has been concern about the possibility of a child being identified by a photograph in the press, or in the filming of a school event, in case they are put at risk of being targeted for abuse, or for reasons personal to a family.

Having taken advice from Surrey Police, Surrey County Council (the Local Education Authority) and other organisations we believe our policy is robust and puts children’s safety first.

The School’s Policy

Our policy is to broadly follow the Department for Education (DFE) advice: “If the student is named, we do not use a photograph. If the photograph is used, we do not name the student.” So we will not use student’s full names alongside their photographs in the school’s own printed publications, in video films or on our website. Students’ first names may be used, however, their full names may be given in group situations where they cannot be linked to individuals in a photograph. During school events such as plays and sports day photographs are taken at the end of the event to commemorate the days so as other children are not accidentally photographed and uploaded to social media.

With regards to the press, the school will allow local newspapers to take photographs of students, when appropriate, provided that parental consent has been given. Some newspapers insist that students’ names must be published with their photographs. If not, they may decline to cover school events. We will sometimes therefore, give the students’ names to newspapers. When they cover a story about our school and only when it is a planned story with the school. That is why it is important for you to tell us whether you have any objection. If you do object, the school will not allow your child to be photographed by the press.

Although it is fairly rare for television companies to visit the school, your consent for newspaper photographs would also apply to television images. Students’ names, however, are normally not given on television and we would seek specific permission from you if your child’s name were to be used.

We would like to thank you for your continued support on this matter.